Heirloom Soda Bread Flour 2#


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Real Irish soda bread is something special, bursting with whole wheat flavor and boasting a dense rustic texture. A good loaf blows away its sad cake-like Americanized cousins and just begs to be slathered in butter. If you've only tried the American stuff you need to give a real recipe a chance (we're partial to those by Darina Allen). 

But don't even think about using white flour! Much of the flavor in a good loaf comes from the nuttiness of good wholemeal flour. That's where we come in. We grind heirloom wheat fresh into a rustic "Irish Style" coarse meal that lends chew to the final loaf and retains all its wheaty goodness. And to be somewhat truer to tradition our flour is ground from organic heirloom Red Fife wheat, which was brought to Canada in the 1800s by David Fife, from Scotland. 

Red Fife boasts subtle herbal qualities to go with it's pronounced grassiness. It's one of our favorite heritage wheats and a predecessor of many modern wheats grown in North America.  Ours is grown by Gianforte Farms in upstate New York. 

And don't just use this for soda bread! It would also make a great addition to any wholewheat loaf.

Product  details 

- Organic 
- Weight: 2#
- Best stored in freezer and used ASAP. Will keep at room temp for 3+ months.
- Milled: coarse (somewhere between meal and chops)
- 100% extraction  
- Protein 11.6%

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